Whiplash Treatment

Auto Injury TreatmentA car accident can be very jarring – one minute, you are driving down the road heading to your next destination and then, seemingly out of nowhere, a car accident can happen and cause serious damage to your car and your body. If you are lucky, the physical injuries are relatively minor, and take a few days to a few weeks to heal. Whiplash is a common injury after a car accident, no matter how serious. It is the forceful and rapid back and forth movement of the neck upon impact that can result in serious pain and discomfort after an accident. Advanced Medical of Twin Cities can help you recover from your vehicle accident, and any lingering whiplash pain you may have. Read Full Post

Chiropractic Office

Advanced Medical of Twin Cities logoChiropractic care is continuing to become more popular year after year. Research has shown that tens of millions of individuals around the world choose a chiropractor over other types of medical treatment. If you’ve never tried chiropractic care, this may be just the type of treatment that you’ve been missing. This non-invasive option focuses on holistic treatment options rather than relying on pain medication or surgery. Chiropractic is one of the fastest growing areas in health care. So, what are you waiting on? If you are in the Golden Valley, MN area, look no further than our dedicated office at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities for all of your chiropractic needs. Read Full Post

Massage Therapist Golden Valley

massage therapyAre you frustrated with the bodily pain you’ve been struggling with for months or even years? Relying on pain medication for relief only provides you with a temporary solution. In order to gain true relief from an injury that just will not seem to go away, you must address the issue head on. One great way to strengthen the part of your body causing all of this pain is through massage therapy. This holistic approach to pain relief focuses on providing you with natural pain relief, while also strengthening the injured area at the same time. If you are in the St. Louis Park, MN area, and are looking for a reputable massage therapist, look no further than our team at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities. Read Full Post

Whiplash from a Minor Car Accident

Golden Valley ChiropractorWhiplash is a trauma most often associated with car accidents, but it can also happen as a result of other types of accidents. Typically, you experience whiplash when movement comes to a sudden stop and your head moves momentarily after your body has stopped. The muscles in your shoulders and neck are among the stronger muscles in your body, but there are times when stronger forces cause your head to be jolted, which can result in whiplash. Despite the strength of your neck and shoulder muscles, accidents in which there are sudden shifts in momentum will prove stronger than your muscles. Advanced Medical of Golden Valley, MN, specializes in whiplash treatment. If you have been in a minor car accident that has resulted in your having a case of whiplash, our team can help you recover. Read Full Post

Auto Accident Doctor

Dr. Arlen LiebermanResearch has shown that nearly 3 million Americans are injured in a car accident each year. Obviously, wearing a seat belt and airbags are important ways to limit the risk of injury, but even with these precautions injuries can still happen. If you are someone that falls into this statistic, it is important for you to seek a medical evaluation as quickly as possible. If you are in the Golden Valley, MN area, there is no better car accident doctor than our team at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities. We specialize in providing individuals with natural medicine treatment options after a car accident. Read Full Post