Jun 10, 2017 | Acupuncture, Find a Chiropractor, Headache, Healing Tips & Advice, Nutrition
Headaches can be debilitating for many people. They can put a big damper on your day in a hurry. Minor headaches can cause unwanted pain and pressure that can have a direct impact on your productivity. For the more intense headaches, known as migraines, individuals often have to close themselves in a dark, quiet room to gain any type of relief. Studies have shown that approximately 45 million Americans suffer from regular headaches. If you live in Golden Valley, Plymouth or Minnetonka, MN and you are sick of relying on headache medication as your only way to experience pain relief, our team at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities has a holistic solution for you. Read Full Post
May 18, 2017 | Auto Injury, Back Pain, Healing Tips & Advice, Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy, Whiplash
Have you recently sustained an injury that’s causing you pain or discomfort? Are you still suffering from the effects of an old injury? If you feel any discomfort, decreased mobility, pain, or other negative symptoms associated with an injury, it’s important to seek medical attention for injury rehabilitation. At Advanced Medical of Twin Cities, we utilize a wide range of chiropractic care services to ensure patients in need of injury recover have access to the best and most comprehensive injury rehabilitation clinic in Golden Valley, MN. With us, your injury rehabilitation treatment plan will be created to meet your individual needs based on our understanding of your injury and evaluations of your injury side effects. You’ll have access to care like chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, acupuncture, and Physical Rehabilitative Treatments exercises and stretches designed to help you heal quickly and completely. Read Full Post
May 10, 2017 | Auto Injury, Back Pain, Find a Chiropractor, Healing Tips & Advice, Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Whiplash
At Advanced Medical of Twin Cities, we have seen many patients walk into our clinic with their face looking down at their toes. We’ve seen patients holding their backs with their hands as they shuffled from their car into our doors. We have seen patients in tears over the pain that their lower back has been causing them. Likewise, we have seen patients walk out of our doors with their heads held high, walking swiftly to their car, and crying with tears of joy for finally being able to get some relief. At Advanced Medical of Twin Cities, we are all about promoting health and healing. If you’ve got lower back pain in the Golden Valley, St Louis Park, Minnetonka, or Plymouth, MN area, come check us out soon! Read Full Post
Apr 27, 2017 | Back Pain, Find a Chiropractor, Healing Tips & Advice, Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy
Massage therapy is just one of the chiropractic care services we provide at our chiropractic clinic, but it’s a treatment method with proven results in relieving pain and promoting faster injury recovery. If you’re looking for a way to relax or ease your pain, or if you believe you could benefit from massage therapy in another way, Advanced Medical of Twin Cities is the place for you. Our Golden Valley, MN massage therapists have worked with patients suffering from a range of ailments, conditions, and pains, and we’ve become experts in diagnosing and treating patients who come to our clinic seeking relief and relaxation. Read Full Post
Nov 8, 2016 | Healing Tips & Advice
When you’re enduring symptoms of sciatica, irritation of the sciatic nerve that runs from your lower back to your leg, all you can think about is how to get rid of them. Sciatica is a painful problem that stems from a number of sources. Herniated lumbar discs,...
May 8, 2014 | Healing Tips & Advice
Helpful Tips to Prevent Back Pain when Raking Raking, back pain, MinneapolisIt may seem like a simple outdoor chore, but raking improperly could cause upper or lower back strain, and neck and shoulder pain. If not properly warmed up, muscles can be injured by the...