Feb 26, 2021 | Acupuncture, Chiropractor, Massage Therapy
When it is clear that the back pain or neck pain you have been experiencing is not going to go away on its own, there is no better way to find relief than to seek the help of a chiropractor. Advanced Medical of Twin Cities offers chiropractic care that provides relief and healing from a wide range of issues and a wide range of causes.
For many injuries—from those that occur while playing sports, to falls at work, and to repetitive motion and impact injuries—the combination of chiropractic care, massage therapy, and acupuncture cannot be topped Read Full Post
Jan 8, 2021 | Auto Injury, Chiropractic Clinic, Chiropractor, Injury Rehabilitation
The story of chiropractic care will forever be associated with providing help to people who have suffered varying degrees of injuries including from automobile accidents. And while we would gladly accept a change in the world that meant that there would never again be another car accident, the experienced team at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities will provide our best and most effective chiropractic treatment to people who have been injured in car accidents.
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Nov 25, 2020 | Auto Injury, Chiropractic Clinic, Chiropractor, Injury Rehabilitation, Massage Therapy, Natural Pain Relief, Physical Therapy, Work Injuries
Dealing with injuries is never ideal. Whether you are a kid struggling with a recent injury that occurred playing with friends, or you are an adult struggling with a work-related injury, our team at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities is here to help. We are proud to offer our clients diverse injury rehab options that are holistically based. Far too often, individuals commit to an invasive procedure that may require a long recovery period. Resorting to a significant procedure to address your injury may not be necessary. Read Full Post
Nov 9, 2020 | Auto Injury, Chiropractic Clinic, Chiropractor, Injury Rehabilitation, Whiplash
No matter how serious your auto accident may have been, it’s important to the health and wellness of your body that you be treated. After any sort of trauma, your body can naturally shift out of alignment, causing both short and long-term problems if gone untreated. Whether you had a simple fender bender in a parking lot or your vehicle was totaled in a crash, Advanced Medical of Twin Cities is here to help. If you have been in an accident, don’t wait to see us! What may feel like a minor ache now can turn into a world of pain in the future. Read Full Post
Oct 30, 2020 | Acupuncture, Chiropractic Clinic, Chiropractor, Injury Rehabilitation, Natural Pain Relief, Sports Injury Rehab
More and more athletes from all backgrounds are beginning to incorporate acupuncture treatment into their treatment regimen anytime a sports injury occurs. Countless studies have shown that holistic acupuncture treatment works extremely well when treating strains, sprains, swollen muscles, shin splints and pain in the majority of one’s body. So, if you are in search of an experienced and effective acupuncturist around MN that can help you with your sports injury, our team at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities is… Read Full Post
Oct 14, 2020 | Chiropractic Clinic, Chiropractor, Injury Rehabilitation
Looking for natural treatment options around the Golden Valley, MN area for the whole family? Chiropractic care is one of the best natural treatment techniques that can provide benefits to members of your entire family. In fact, our staff at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities is a Golden Valley family chiro clinic that places a large emphasis on taking care of the whole family. No matter what it takes to get you and your family back to full health, we’re here to partner with you all every step of the way. Our services not only help individuals recover from injuries, but this type of holistic medical care can also boost your immune system, enhance your posture, maintain good health and even reduce the likelihood of a future injury. Read Full Post