Acupuncture Treatment Golden Valley

Golden Valley AcupuncturistFor over five thousand years, acupuncture treatment has been a part of traditional Chinese Medicine, healing with skilled precision and technique. While acupuncture treatment is one of the oldest recorded systems of medicine in the world, it has recently become increasingly popular here in the Golden Valley, Minnetonka, and Plymouth, MN areas. At Advanced Medical of Twin Cities, we proudly offer acupuncture to our clients as a way of treating an assortment of physical, emotional, and mental ailments. Read Full Post

Chiropractic Clinic in Golden Valley

Pain Relief DoctorStruggling with lingering pain that will not seem to go away? Have you recently been involved in an auto accident? Did your child get injured during their team’s athletic event recently? When it comes to managing the pain you are experiencing, pursuing a holistic approach is ideal. What good is relying on pain medication for your relief? Pain medication is a temporary solution that does not help the underlying issues that your body is dealing with. Chiropractic care on the other hand, is extremely effective in providing individuals with natural pain relief. If you are in the Golden Valley, Minnetonka or Plymouth, MN area, Advanced Medical of Twin Cities has some natural solutions for you. Don’t waste any more time as our chiropractic clinic in Golden Valley is eager to assist you with your natural pain management options. Read Full Post

Work Injuries

Golden Valley ChiropractorOne of the most difficult things about work injuries is the fact that sometimes you just might not notice it happening until it’s done. This is especially true for those working 40 hour work weeks behind a computer or doing any other repetitive motions with your body without relieving specific ailments. At Advanced Medical of Twin Cities, not only can we treat your chronic or acute injury, we can work to help you prevent those work injuries from occurring in the future. If you have a work related injury around Plymouth or Golden Valley, MN, seeking help at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities is a fantastic solution. Read Full Post

Acupuncture Treatment

Golden Valley AcupuncturistWhile many people are just starting to catch on to the natural healing treatment of acupuncture, this form of alternative medicine has been around since the Neolithic era (the end of the stone age). As a key component of traditional Chinese Medicine, those of us here in Golden Valley and St Louis Park, MN are starting to utilize it more and more. At Advanced Medical of Twin Cities, we are no stranger to the treatment of acupuncture. While we haven’t been doing it for over 5,000 years, our team has got an excellent handle on how it helps to heal and alleviate all types of physical, emotional, and mental ailments. Read Full Post


ChiropractorLooking for chiropractic care in Golden Valley? At Advanced Medical of Twin Cities, we offer quality chiropractic care with outstanding results. From car accidents to chronic work habits, the chiropractors at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities are here to listen to your concerns and help you to begin the healing process and get you on the road to wellness.

Why Chiropractic Care?

If you are tired of taking pain medications that only temporarily mask the pain, it’s time that you find another way to heal. Unfortunately, these drugs do not fix the problem and should not be a long term solution to your problems. Chiropractic care is a natural way to make a positive impact on your health and at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities, we do our part in creating an atmosphere for positive healing. Chiropractic adjustments are frequently done to correct a patient’s misaligned bones and joints. Misalignment within your body can place pressure on your nervous system which can result in improper functioning of the body. Through chiropractic care, we correct this misalignment, alleviating the pressure and improving overall body function. Read Full Post

Pain Relief Doctor Near Me

Golden Valley MNSearching for a way to alleviate the pain that you’ve been longing to get rid of? All too often, people go to the greatest lengths – even the emergency department in search of pain relief for an already chronic issue. No matter how acute or chronic, most doctors will give you a prescription and perhaps even give you a few different exercises to improve your health. Unfortunately, those meds only dull the pain temporarily and do not fix the underlying problem. At Advanced Medical of Twin Cities, we are your underlying problem identifiers. Serving the Golden Valley and St Louis Park, MN area, we are your pain relief doctors that can finally give you the help that you’ve been so desperately searching for. Read Full Post