The conventional understanding of the benefits of massage can sometimes be incomplete. Massage therapy is typically described as the manipulation of your muscles to relieve tension. Therapeutic massage is actually far more involved than this definition communicates. Therapeutic massage is more than just a way of relaxing tense muscle tissue. Advanced Medical of Twin Cities offers massage therapy as both a complement to a chiropractic treatment plan and as a stand-alone treatment on its own. Massage therapy can improve circulation, reduce muscle spasms, reduce pain, lower your body’s stress and calm your nervous system.
Therapeutic Massage Services
Therapeutic Massage therapy can be recommended for many different reasons, and the reasons why a person can benefit from it can vary widely. Modern life places a lot of stress on the human body, ranging from acute injury from car accidents and falls to chronic pain caused by poor posture or even genetic predisposition. Chiropractic services like ours have built positive reputations for providing pain relief to people who have suffered acute injuries. The stories of the effectiveness of chiropractic care are largely built on the classic case of a back or neck injury during an automobile accident. As long as we drive automobiles, accidents will happen, and people will need pain relief and injury recovery from chiropractic care.
Massage therapy can be a great addition to chiropractic adjustments after a car accident. In addition, massage therapy can be used to treat many other conditions as well. Effective massage therapy requires that the provider undergo years of training to ensure that it is actually therapeutic and treats the area that is inflamed or painful. Expert knowledge of anatomy and physiology is a minimum qualification for massage therapists.
Massage Therapy as Part of Your Chiropractic Treatment
Massage therapy addresses the specific needs of the individual. If massage therapy is one part of a treatment plan created in response to the effects of an auto accident, for example, the provider must understand the nature of the injuries in order to provide the most effective massage. Regardless of the reasons for a client seeking therapeutic massage, the goal is to relieve the stress in the targeted muscles in the short-term, and to train the muscles to work more efficiently, thereby reducing stress, in the long-term.
No provider of massage therapy is more knowledgeable than Advanced Medical of Twin Cities. We would be happy to help you relieve stress and/or recover from injury by using our massage expertise. Call us at (763) 541-1280 to schedule an appointment.