Automobile accidents are extremely jarring, both physically and emotionally. You can sustain a wide variety of injuries including soft tissue injuries, scrapes, cuts, head and neck injuries (including whiplash), as well as injuries to your extremities (arms and legs). When you are involved in a car accident, it is important that you seek treatment quickly, so that your injuries do not develop into chronic problems. Advance Medical of Twin Cities offers comprehensive care after a car accident. Our clinic features chiropractic care, medical treatment, massage therapy, acupuncture, rehabilitative exercise therapy, nutrition and a professional staff that is committed to helping you heal.
Individualized Treatment Plan after a Car Accident
Getting treatment quickly after a car accident is very important and can really help you identify injuries that need additional treatment. Identifying this early improves your overall prognosis for complete recovery. The staff at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities understands that every car accident is different and every injury is different. So, we develop an individualized treatment plan that is specific to your symptoms and your goals for recovery. Our integrated approach offers you a comprehensive treatment plan that can incorporate multiple treatment options all in one location. For example, our chiropractic treatments can be highly effective for whiplash injuries and our medical treatment can also help you recover from other injuries including soft tissue injuries. You can receive all of your treatment from one location at Advance Medical of Twin Cities.
Auto Injury Treatments
If you have recently been in a car accident, call our team at 763-541-1280 for an appointment. We offer a free consultation and injury screening to identify your injuries from your accident and lay out a plan for our recommendation for your treatment. You may think that you can heal on your own, but injuries after a car accident can present themselves well after the scrapes and scratches have healed. Even if you have only been involved in a fairly minor accident, you can still suffer with pain and discomfort for days, weeks or even months. Seeking the help of the trained health professionals at Advanced Medical of Twin Cities can help you move toward a full recovery quickly. In addition to providing a comprehensive, individualized treatment plan, we can also work directly with your insurance company so that you can get optimal coverage. We offer convenient appointment times 6 days a week and look forward to helping you feel like yourself again.